Check out the strangest borders in the world

Check out the strangest borders in the world

Check out the strangest borders in the world

You may have been to many countries, but have you ever been to the borders of those countries?

1. Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia

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The meeting place of the three nations, also known as the Tumba Peak, is the meeting place of Greece, the southwesternmost point of Bulgaria, and the southeasternmost point of the Republic of North Macedonia. Every August since 2001, a tour here has been organized under the motto “Balkans without borders”.

2. Pheasant Island

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This tiny island in the Bidasoa River between Northern Spain and Southern France is only 200 meters long, and has swapped ownership between the two countries more than 700 times since 1659. This is because the two nations The families take turns governing it, changing its ownership every six months.

3. Mexico and the US

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The border between Mexico and the United States is the most cross-border in the world, with nearly 1 million immigrants making their way across the border between Mexico and the United States each year. This border traverses many types of terrain, from urban to desert.

4. Egypt and Sudan

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Bir Tawil, is a 2,000 square kilometer stretch of desert between the two countries. This no-man’s land would be a loss for only one of the two countries, and both refused to merge Bir Tawil. However, many organizations and even individuals have tried to decentralize governance between the two countries, but Bir Tawil has not yet officially belonged to either country.

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5. Canada and the US

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More than 8000 km long, this is the longest border in the world, separating Canada from 13 US states. It looks like a straight line on a map that seems like an easier way to divide a country but it completely separates Point Roberts, from the rest of America. The peninsula has only one elementary school, so high school students who want to study in the US have to cross the border every day.

6. Moresnet

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From 1830 to 1919 there existed a lesser known country called Moresnet, with its own flag and even its own language, Moresnet bordered the Netherlands, Belgium and Prussia for only 90 years. However, after the first world war, this territory was annexed by Belgium and today this point is marked by a tower (Belgium) from which you can see the Labyrint Drielandenpunt (Netherlands).

7. Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay

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This border is located where the Iguazú and Paraná rivers meet. This is a tourist area that is visited by many people. Each of the three bordering countries has erected a memorial, painted in the national colors, from which you can see the idyllic scenery of each country.

8. Netherlands and Belgium

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The border separating Belgium and the Netherlands is a simple white cross painted dividing line. So tourists will be free to shop in one country and eat in another.

9. Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe

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These “Four Corners of Africa” meet on the Zambezi River, where ferries and boats constantly cross between the four countries. But by 2007, Zambia and Botswana had made an agreement to build a bridge to replace the ferry system.

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10. Diomede Islands

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Right between Siberia and Alaska are two small islands. Yesterday’s Island (Big Diomede) and Tomorrow’s Island (Little Diomede). The time zone on the islands is administered by Russia and the US, so Yesterday Island is 21 hours behind Tomorrow Island. Here, you can celebrate your birthday twice in the same day!

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